Pachauri recycling rapidly rescinded

NOTE: 07/25/2015 12:45 AM Post updated (pls. see below)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) along with its United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) parents have been silent about the long overdue resignation of Rajendra Pachauri which he submitted in February of this year, on the heels of allegations of sexual harassment submitted by one of his TERI employees.

So I found it somewhat curious, to say the least, that on July 15 a decision was made to upload to the IPCC’s YouTube channel a video of Pachauri (still in desperate need of a haircut, but wearing a red tie rather than one of his more familiar ties in various shades of green) singing his own praises:

Current or former chair? Consistency is not an IPCC product! Video at:

Current or former chair? Consistency is not an IPCC product! Video at:

This upload may actually have occurred while he was in the US supposedly attending a funeral. Or perhaps someone was anticipating his “rehabilitation” (and/or his appointment to some other UN body – in keeping with UN “tradition”?!)

A few days ago, TERI’s Board of Governors evidently decided Pachauri should be back in the TERI picture – a position from which he had been on leave since February. This decision was met with considerable protest (see: h/t DennisA)

Yet in today’s National Post, there’s an AP article which indicates that:

Former chair of UN climate panel loses job at top Indian energy institute following sexual harassment claim

NEW DELHI — The former chairman of the U.N. climate panel has been removed from his job as head of a top energy institute in India following allegations of sexual harassment.

The governing council of The Energy and Resources Institute announced late Thursday that Rajendra Pachauri would be replaced as director-general of the renowned environment think-tank by Arun Mathur, an energy efficiency expert.

Although no reasons were given for Pachauri’s replacement, the council said the decision was taken keeping in view the interests of the private institute and its 1,200 employees working in different parts of the world.

Pachauri, 75, resigned from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in February, after a 29-year-old woman accused him of stalking and sexually harassing her while they worked together at the institute. He denies the allegations.

Stay tuned, folks. One never knows what the next twist or turn will be in this saga!

UPDATE: 07/25/2015 Here’s a far-from-novel twist ‘n turn (my bold -hro):

Teri’s governing council said in the press release on Thursday, “Mathur will take up his new responsibilities as soon as he is in a position to do so, subsequent to being relieved from his current responsibilities by the Government of India.” Oddly, the press release was sent by the public relations agency, Lexicon Public Relations & Corporate Consultants, which has been hired by Pachauri in his personal capacity specifically for the sexual harassment case and not by Teri.

Teri’s governing council did not announce whether it had sacked Pachauri or he had volunteered to resign.

Teri’s governing council tried to take a softer route out while referring to Pachauri’s removal. It did not explicitly state why he was being removed from the post. Additionally, it suggested the council was not contemplating any other disciplinary action against Pachauri. […]


The committee had held Pachauri guilty of sexual misconduct and abuse of his position as director-general and recommended action against him. But Pachauri had contended, besides other things, that the complaint against him might be backed by “climate sceptics” (those who do not believe in human-induced climate change).
At the time of going to press, the public relations agency working for Pachauri did not reply to queries about why it was handling communication on behalf of the governing council of Teri.
[…] Source

4 thoughts on “Pachauri recycling rapidly rescinded

  1. Western media has finally noticed, it made it to the New York Times:

    “Dr. Pachauri has been one of the world’s most prominent voices on the dangers of global warming, and the Energy and Resources Institute has been at the forefront of the conversation in India, with 1,200 employees and affiliates in London and Washington. The scope of its activities are wide — publishing research and carrying out projects in renewable energy, water management, and pollution levels throughout India.”

    He had become an embarassment to the government and the climate establishment, so although TERI is an “independent organisation”, I believe his replacement is a government appointee.

  2. I see that the great man is still in great demand. Four weeks ago the Youtube video had just 29 hits, but now it has 102.

    • Indeed. No wonder someone, somewhere made the decision to send Pachauri as the “designated” IPCC representative to a virtually non-existent (as far as I – and Alex Cull – have been able to determine) gathering of the great and the good in China under the alleged auspices of (yet another UNEP “child”), the IEMP.

      And to apparently equally non-existent (or at the very least not deemed worthy of any mention on the IISD calendar of events) meeting(s) about something, somewhere in Japan!

      [See comments at UNEP recycling Pachauri … already?! for details (for want of a better word, at the moment!)]

      Amazing, eh?! One can hardly wait to see Pachauri’s next twists ‘n turns!

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