35 days to save the planet? Of climate and the Bonn bomb

In case you hadn’t noticed, there has been yet another gathering of the great and the good which began on October 19 and ended on October 23: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Bonn Climate Change Conference took place in Bonn, Germany, from 19-23 October 2015. The meeting brought together over 2,400…

Of refugees and UN priorities

A simple perspective from Hans Rosling, a clear voice crying out to those who run the bureaucratic wilderness known as the European Union (EU) and its closely aligned step-sibling in multi-billion$ bureaucracy, the United Nations (UN). In particular the arms, elbows, hands, fingers etc. known as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and those…

UNEP recycling Pachauri … already?!

08/21/2015 – Please note update below. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), as I have previously noted, is an ever-expanding unchartered body under the “leadership” of head honcho, Achim Steiner. One of the UNEP’s many, many “children” is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); in this instance, IPCC parenthood is “shared” with another UN…

UN: the “hope and home of all humankind”

I’m not sure quite where to begin this post on the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations! The UN’s perennially globetrotting (and obviously oblivious to his <gasp> carbon footprint) Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon has been out and about delivering carefully scripted speeches to all who’ve been commandeered to listen. In case you missed it (I know…

The windmills of my mind

There are some days, as I peruse the net, when it occurs to me that others must have been trans-versing the windmills of my mind! Yesterday – on the heels of the Pope’s pronouncements – just happened to be one of those days. As I’ve been assiduously assessing the current validity of snippets I’ve gathered…

Catching up … a trip down memory lane

So, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted. Seems to me that the (chronologically!) older I get, the faster time flies. But from time to time, I’ve been (more or less) silently lurking … Sometimes with amusement, sometimes with despair – and at others with an almost virtually immobilized mindset mixture that knows not…

The UN and “single scary causes”: A long but illuminating read

From time to time, I have commented on the remarkable similarities between the UN generated fear of CO2 and the UN generated “centrality” of the so-called Israeli-Arab (or if you prefer, the Israel-Palestinian) conflict. Both of which are virtually guaranteed to lead to heated and – sadly, far too often incredibly ill-informed – diatribes emanating…