The windmills of my mind

There are some days, as I peruse the net, when it occurs to me that others must have been trans-versing the windmills of my mind! Yesterday – on the heels of the Pope’s pronouncements – just happened to be one of those days. As I’ve been assiduously assessing the current validity of snippets I’ve gathered…

Of tweets, twits and the factually deficient

In a blogpost at Bishop Hill, a few days ago, Andrew Montford described the BBC’s Tim Willcox as: Potty mouthed, bigoted, biased. He’s probably due for promotion. Willcox is not one of the BBC-niks with whom I was familiar; but it was no surprise (considering that he’s a BBC reporter) to also learn from Montford…

Something missing in the “critiques” of Bengtsson’s choice

A few weeks ago, I (amongst others) had highlighted the words of the very respected Swedish meteorologist and climate scientist, Professor Lennart Bengtsson who had chosen to join the U.K.’s Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF): I think the climate community shall be more critical and spend more time to understand what they are doing instead…

More fog from Dame Julia’s jewel in the crown

In my previous post, I had commented on a recently produced (and, as of Feb. 12, twice updated 29 page “briefing” from a “jewel in the crown, of British science and global science” (aka the U.K. Met Office) entitled The Recent Storms and Floods in the UK – in which I had asked a few…

There is nothing like a(n extreme) Dame

Hot off the virtual presses from a “jewel in the crown, of British science and global science”, aka the U.K. Met Office (MO), in this instance in partnership with the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, is a 29-page “briefing” paper, entitled The Recent Storms and Floods in the UK (pdf).…

Walport’s ignorance and banal soundbytes

Writing in Spiked, the U.K.’s Ben Pile has an excellent essay on the latest shoot-from-the-lip pronouncements emanating from the keyboard of the government’s “Chief Scientific Advisor”, Sir Mark Walport (and/or perhaps that of his ghost-writer!) Some excerpts from Pile’s assessment: Sir Mark Walport’s demand that climate-change sceptics ‘grow up’ only reveals his ignorance about the…

Will IPCC accede to redefining “neutral”?

This week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is holding its 37th session in Batumi, Georgia. One of the items on the Agenda, under “Other Business” is “IPCC-XXXVII/Doc. 17 which, although not advertised as such on the Agenda, turns out to be a “Potential Study of the IPCC Process”. This document is a submission…

IPCC’s extreme sausage: unkosher and unsustainable treife

On the heels of the release of a draft of Working Group I (WGI)’s contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the U.K. Royal Society, one of the IPCC’s illustrious cheerleaders, has been holding a two-day meeting to discuss this report and the “next steps in climate science”. The…