UNEP’s trillion-dollar questions

It’s been somewhat challenging to keep up with the soporifics emanating from the various and sundry UN gatherings of the great and the good as part of the run-up to the annual December Dance of the Dynamos (aka the UN’s Conference of the Parties, in this instance COP21) being held this year in Paris. As…

A Friday funny from Florida … and another from Virginia

I can’t quite recall how my mouse and I first stumbled across the following, but it certainly made my day (and Amber‘s): Florida cat owners call 911 after Russian blue ‘freaked out’ (Reuters) – Kush the cat was quarantined in central Florida after her owner called 911 over the weekend for help, saying the ferocious…

Black on Mann vs Steyn (et al)

UPDATE: 05/4/2014 In a Comment below, Alex Cull draws attention to a zoomerTV program which is an extended conversation between Conrad Black and Mark Steyn, which took place on April 9. Enjoy! ========= My erstwhile fellow Canadian, Conrad Black, does not hold the American justice system in particularly high esteem. Depending on one’s perspective, one…

The “Mannifestation” of climate science

Dr. Judith Curry has an absolute must-read post today, in which she cites extensive text from Dr. John Christy’s March 2011 testimony (pdf) before the US House Science, Space and Technology Committee. Curry writes: John Christy has a unique perspective on how the hockey stick became the icon of the TAR [Third Assessment Report] –…

Frontears of mediocrity: Lewandowsky & Mann on the march

A little over four months ago, Dr. Judith Curry had excerpted and commented on what I would call a meeting of the mindless, i.e. a joint whine paired with cheesey (and unsubstantiated) allegations, co-authored by two self-declared “experts” – psychologist, Stephan Lewandowsky and climate scientist, Michael Mann – who share an extreme aversion to disclosing…

Calling all Canadians: Check your climate’s context

Back in my halcyon days, i.e. long before “global warming” aka “climate change” – aka whatever the dedicated “we must de-carbonize now” activists and advocates are calling it this week – crossed my radar, it did not even occur to me to give a second thought to or to question the message(s) being relayed by…

The many misrepresentations of Mann

I was thinking of calling this post, A Tale of Two Bullies with Over-sized Egos. But I decided that discretion was the better part of valour. My “thesis” has long been that Michael Mann is the David Irving of “climate science”. Some evidence in support of my thesis …

The failed marches of climate “cause” marketeers

Readers of this blog know that I rarely find anything commendable about Canada’s national (i.e. tax-funded) broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). There are, however, some exceptions to their agenda-driven superficial and utterly biased “coverage” of their favoured “causes”. One such exception is a series they air (but do not produce) called Under the Influence.…