UN and Syria: Recipe for action or recycled (“climate change” inaction) disaster distraction?

12/20/2015 Please note updates below A few days ago, much ado was launched by the United Nations (UN) Security Council’s resolution on a so-called “peace process” for Syria. This was endorsed and praised by probably the most ill-informed (or hypocritical, you may take your pick) US Secretary of State, John Kerry, aka US global-gallivanter per…

35 days to save the planet? Of climate and the Bonn bomb

In case you hadn’t noticed, there has been yet another gathering of the great and the good which began on October 19 and ended on October 23: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Bonn Climate Change Conference took place in Bonn, Germany, from 19-23 October 2015. The meeting brought together over 2,400…

Of legal beagles and climate change views

Please note, post updated 10/9/2015 10:11 PM below -hro Paul Matthews has a post today in which he features Robin Guenier’s response (pdf) to Philipe Sands’ September keynote address to various and sundry (for the most part unnamed) legal beagles and (presumably) associated scholars. I appreciated Guenier’s analysis and highlights from Sands’ lecture. My own…

UNEP’s trillion-dollar questions

It’s been somewhat challenging to keep up with the soporifics emanating from the various and sundry UN gatherings of the great and the good as part of the run-up to the annual December Dance of the Dynamos (aka the UN’s Conference of the Parties, in this instance COP21) being held this year in Paris. As…

Old-hand Alcamo picked to rescue “tinkerbell” Figueres?

As readers of this blog are probably aware, I do not have much respect or admiration for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and its ever-growing maze of offspring – which includes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which feeds its so-called “science” to Christiana <tinkerbell> Figueres’ current bailiwick, the “send us your billions…

Something missing in the “critiques” of Bengtsson’s choice

A few weeks ago, I (amongst others) had highlighted the words of the very respected Swedish meteorologist and climate scientist, Professor Lennart Bengtsson who had chosen to join the U.K.’s Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF): I think the climate community shall be more critical and spend more time to understand what they are doing instead…