UN and Syria: Recipe for action or recycled (“climate change” inaction) disaster distraction?

12/20/2015 Please note updates below A few days ago, much ado was launched by the United Nations (UN) Security Council’s resolution on a so-called “peace process” for Syria. This was endorsed and praised by probably the most ill-informed (or hypocritical, you may take your pick) US Secretary of State, John Kerry, aka US global-gallivanter per…

The BIG shoe-drop in Paris

12/5/2015 Please note update below – hro Well, it’s that time again, folks! Yet another annual Convention of the Party-goers – aka the grandiosely named United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) … This time in what was once justifiably known as The City of Light, aka Paris, France. For the record, I recall…

Revkin revs up NYT’s climate change concern count

Barely a day goes by when I don’t receive a grandiose “subscription” offer from the so-called (or at the very least self-proclaimed) “newspaper of record”, the New York Times. And if anyone from the NYY happens to be reading this, here’s a message from Hilary: Frankly, apart from your daily summaries (and the ten freebies…

UNEP promoting more Pachauri self-puffery?!

The decidedly disgraced former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Rajendra Pachauri, of whom one can only say that he must be a very slow learner – and a man of ever-changing stories – appears to have been off gallivanting around the globe, again. In no small measure, thanks to the co-operation…

UNEP recycling Pachauri … already?!

08/21/2015 – Please note update below. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), as I have previously noted, is an ever-expanding unchartered body under the “leadership” of head honcho, Achim Steiner. One of the UNEP’s many, many “children” is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); in this instance, IPCC parenthood is “shared” with another UN…

IPCC and Pachauri: to see or not to see, that is the question

UPDATE July 31, 2015: Please note some further developments on the “As the Pachauri world turns” front via my comment below -hro If you’ve ever watched now former (perhaps or perhaps not!) TERI head honcho and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Chair, Rajendra Pachauri in unscripted mode, you just know that his more articulate…

Pachauri recycling rapidly rescinded

NOTE: 07/25/2015 12:45 AM Post updated (pls. see below) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) along with its United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) parents have been silent about the long overdue resignation of Rajendra Pachauri which he submitted in February of this year, on the heels of allegations of…

The windmills of my mind

There are some days, as I peruse the net, when it occurs to me that others must have been trans-versing the windmills of my mind! Yesterday – on the heels of the Pope’s pronouncements – just happened to be one of those days. As I’ve been assiduously assessing the current validity of snippets I’ve gathered…