Reticent Mann skates onto melting ice, reinforces Stocker’s “choice”

So while the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is busy reaching out to … wait for it … INTERPOL, the (now former) faux Nobel Laureate Michael Mann has (at least temporarily!) ditched his tree-ring circus in order to criticize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s recent release of the first volume of its fifth…

Climategate 3.0: Practicing what I preach

In my previous post, I had written: To my mind the password protected files [included in CG2] were more akin to an archive of documents written in an obscure language that required “translation”. And there was only one person on the planet who could provide the “translation” so that the material in the archive would…

Mid-agenda warm period detected in biodiversity hockey stick

Not sure about you, but I always thought of a “pavilion” as being a physical structure. However, as you can see, in United Nations (UN)-speak it obviously means something completely different! The “Rio Conventions Pavilion” (RCP) was evidently dreamed up to: raise awareness and disseminate information on best practices and scientific findings on the benefits…