The UN and “single scary causes”: A long but illuminating read

From time to time, I have commented on the remarkable similarities between the UN generated fear of CO2 and the UN generated “centrality” of the so-called Israeli-Arab (or if you prefer, the Israel-Palestinian) conflict. Both of which are virtually guaranteed to lead to heated and – sadly, far too often incredibly ill-informed – diatribes emanating…

Of tweets, twits and the factually deficient

In a blogpost at Bishop Hill, a few days ago, Andrew Montford described the BBC’s Tim Willcox as: Potty mouthed, bigoted, biased. He’s probably due for promotion. Willcox is not one of the BBC-niks with whom I was familiar; but it was no surprise (considering that he’s a BBC reporter) to also learn from Montford…

Mediocre CBC continues its descent

Please see my previous post for background on the CBC’s failure to do its Remembrance Day homework … What I now find interesting is that it has taken CBC so long to address this scandalous matter on TV. And, strangely enough, one of CBC’s “leading investigative journalists and CBC News’ senior investigative journalist”, Diana Swain,…

Aiding Haiti: the UN vs Israel

Haiti is known as one of the poorest nations in the world. Indeed mother nature has not been kind to its inhabitants. Nor have the many arms of the self-glorifying, ever-expanding United Nations. The UN – and particularly its unmandated arm, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) – has a long-standing “tradition” of self-aggrandizement and…